‘Beloved’ Room Box, A Christmas Gift For A Friend

  I designed this originally for myself, but of course, never finished it. The story behind it is that this beautiful young woman died and her love grieved to death over her loss.  Each side of the box has the above image on it.      This is a picture of the young woman. The candles have been allowed to …

Heat Stove and Sofa For Haunted House 2021

  I have started making things for the inside of the house. I have not worked in 1:24th before and wasn’t sure I could manage it, but these have turned out well.    I had made the heater before in 1:12th scale. You can see the difference in the size. The little one is only 1 1/2″ wide. It is …

Making Progress On Haunted House For 2021

  The inside of the house is complete and ready to decorate. I have been sick so it has been hard to make the progress I would have liked.    The outside is getting close to being finished. I need to make a base to put it on so I can make a porch over the door. I used the …

Spider Web Bed For Haunted House 2021

  After I got the idea for this bed I just couldn’t wait to make it. I messed up on one of the measurements on the first one and had to recut some of the pieces on my Cricut. I figured since I was cutting I may as well cut enough for another one that I could do a better …

Miniature Haunted House 2021

  I couldn’t resist this little haunted house from our Michael’s Store since it was 45% off. It didn’t have a door, so I cut one of the windows to make one. I still need to do some cleanup and sanding on it. It is 1:24 scale, which means 1″ would be 2 feet in life-size. I have not had …

Baby Snap Dragons

  Every witch house needs a window box filled with baby Snap Dragons!  I used my Cricut to cut out the window boxes. The dragons came from Michael’s and the greenery is for a fish tank. I might list these for auction on eBay.  

Purple Gnome Wizards

  I made a Purple Wizard Gnome to go along with the Purple Wizard. The one on the right was a little too small, so I made a bigger one.  They are also made from aluminum foil, paper towels, and glue. The smaller one’s beard is made from embroidery thread. I’m not too happy with how it turned out. The …

A Fairy Tree House With a Tree Spirit

  This project was inspired by Sharon at Where The Gnomes Live. She has a room dedicated to her forest of trees spanning from floor to ceiling. There is no way I can do that so I started small.      I started out in the fall of 2019 with a tall skinny box adding aluminum foil for the shapes …

The Purple Wizard

  After seeing a video of Sharon at Where The Gnomes Live making Radagast from Lord of the Rings I just had to give it a try. I love her technique of using aluminum foil, paper towels, and glue to make things. I used this technique to make my Tree House and Tree Man Trash Can. I had never thought …


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